Recent Achievements

Little Rock Indian School in Brahmavar is ranked No. 7 among the Schools of India based on their consistent 10+2 Board Exam performance, high academic credentials, management and faculty, pedagogy, extra-curricular activities, infrastructure, digital learning, student care etc.
IIRF (Indian Institutonal Ranking Framework) has ranked the schools based on an array of parameters. Little Rock happens to be the only rural school among the top 50 schools.
Little Rock has consistently been among the top few schools in different surveys for the last many years.
Careers360, a leading Education Magazine has rated Little Rock with “AAAA” grade for the academic year 2023-24 under Residential School Category.

Little Rock is awarded SCHOOL WITH BEST INFRASTRUCTURE 2024 (Karnataka) by NSA (National School Awards).
Employees’ Provident Fund Organization’s (EPFO) Certificate of Appreciation: as part of the 70th Foundation Day Celebrations, Little Rock was recognized and presented an award for best performance and practices by EPFO, Udupi.

The Intelligent Minds Trust Awards: IMT is a Non-Profit Trust committed to reinforce quality education for school children. To evaluate school education, the people involved in the sphere of education should also be strengthened professionally. With a view to accomplishing this objective, IMT works with the motto: “Vision with Mission”. One such move is to vitalize the academicians by recognizing their contributions in the realms of the school education.
This year, IMT in collaboration with the Government of Mauritius organized its educational excellence award ceremony in Mauritius; Little Rock was selected for four awards in different categories: The President of Mauritius and the Vice Prime Minister of Mauritius presented the Awards to the Little Rock team.
Prof. Mathew C. Ninan, Director – Educationist of the Year
Mrs Lali Abraham Mathew, Deputy Director – Excellent Innovator
Mrs Julie Esther Lewis, Vice Principal – Teacher Empowerment
Mrs Shaila Michael Furtado, Head Teacher – Women Empowerment.
ISRA (Indian School Ranking Award) 2022 – being First in Udupi and 4th in Karnataka State under Day-Cum-Boarding Schools category by The Education World, a leading magazine on education.
Abhijnya Education Trust, Mangalore
AbhijnyaWizdom Education Excellence Awards (AWE Awards)
This organization recognizes outstanding individuals from the field of education every year on Teacher’s Day. This year our Director Prof. Mathew C. Ninan is selected to receive its LIFE-TIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD.

LRIS is ranked No. 1 in India (2021) under The Top Day-cum-Boarding Schools category in a survey by The EDUCATION TODAY, a leading Magazine on education.
Little Rock Kindergarten is ranked India’s No. 10, Karnataka’s No. 2 & Udupi’s No. 1 in Outstanding Leadership in the Education World Preschool Grand Jury Awards 2021-22.

Global Education Awards Dubai
Our School is awarded AKS (Alert Knowledge Services) Global Education Awards Dubai. Under the School Category and the Award Title is “Exceptional School in Teacher Quality”. This award was felicitated at Global Education Awards 2019 at Dubai on 14th 2019 in which there were 200 plus delegates from 150 institutions of 50 plus countries. The award was received by the Vice Principal Mr. Harikrishna D.
GISA (Global Innovative School Awards) Dubai 2019
Our school is awarded with the prestigious GISA (Global Innovative School Awards) Dubai 2019. The principal received the Award on 23rd November in a ceremonial function in Dubai.

ISRA (Indian School Ranking Award) 2019
Our School received the ISRA (Indian School Ranking Award) 2019. Our school is ranked First in Udupi and 8th in Karnataka by The Educational World under the Day-Cum-Boarding Schools category.
Winners of the The Hindu Young World Quiz 2019, Mangalore
Winners of the The Hindu Young World Quiz 2019, Mangalore

KRISH PANDEY of Class VIII F won the 7th National Level Exhibition and Project Competition (NLEPC) which was held at IIT, Delhi on 14th & 15th February 2019. This is a project of Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India. At the nationals 60 students from all over India were honored with the INSPIRE AWARDS.
Best School Award 2018
Little Rock was named Over-all Champions by the Rotary Club, Udupi based on a GK Test held on 16th December. This is the 28th successive year that this honor is bestowed on Little Rock.

Presidency Challenge (Mangalore) 2018
The Winner of Mangalore Edition of The Presidency Challenge Cup Inter-School Quiz Competition organized by The Presidency School in association with The Hindu.
1. Prabhav Shetty, Class IX
2. Druhan Rajiv Shah, Class X
PRAJNAN P SHETTY of Class VII G was selected for national level ‘Wiz National Spell Bee’ which was held in Kolkata on December 28, 2018. He secured 28th place out of 160 participants.
SREE NIDHI NEER MANVI of Class VI D participated in the 8th Mental Calculation World Cup 2018 from 28th September to 30th September 2018, held at Wolfsburg, Germany.
The Winners of Mangaluru zonal-level Prajavani Quiz Championship 2018 held on 10th January 2018
Winners of Mangaluru zonal level Prajavani quiz 2018, Druhan R Shah and Prabhav Shetty, receive the medals, cash awards, certificates and mementos from International Kabaddi player and Bank of Baroda, Surathkal Assistant Manager Udaya Chowta

Rural IT Quiz State Championship to Little Rock
The prestigious Rural IT Quiz is jointly hosted by the IT, BT and Science and Technology department of Government of Karnataka and the TCS every year in the State since its inception in the year 2000.
This year the State final round was held on Friday, 13 October 2017 in Siddaganga Institute of Technology (SIT) Tumkur. In all 32 teams vied for the finals.
Vishwas Adiga and Clifton D’Silva, Class XI students of Little Rock Indian School, Brahmavar bagged the Regional Championship at Mysore and the State championship at Tumkur.
The Little Rock team won the quiz in a dramatic manner by answering seven questions bagging 700 points in the last eight questions of the last round of the quiz sending the audience into frenzy.
This team is now eligible for competing in the National Final to be held at Bangalore in November along with the winners of Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Maharashtra and Chhattisgarh. Little Rock Indian School has created a record by winning the State Championship for 6 times since its inception in 2000, including National Championship once and National runners up once in this prestigious Limca book record quiz. Dr. John Thomas, principal has congratulated the students and the teachers who trained them.Picture : The state champions Vishwas Adiga and Clifton D’Silva receiving the champinonship trophy from Mr Manjunath, DDPI Tumkur.
Remarkable feat by Geeve George and Chaitanya of Class XII
GEEVE GEORGE and CHAITANYA of Class XII have won the GRAND AWARD for IRIS (Initiative for Research and Innovation in Science) jointly sponsored by Intel South India, The Indo-US Science and Technology Forum, and the Department Science and Technology of Govt of India.
From among 3 lakh participants who had submitted projects online, 100 were shortlisted. Geeve and Chaitanya were among them and they were called to Pune where they presented their project which is named SAMIS which is a Smartphone Aided Multispectral Imaging System. Their project is one the 20 selected for the GRAND AWARD. These awardees from TEAM INDIA are given an opportunity to go to the next level.
They represented India at the International Science and Engineering Fair in Los Angeles, U.S., from May 14 to 19 and won the Second Award at the Intel® ISEF 2017 (Intel Science and Engineering Fair 2017) Grand Awards. Their project won the second place grand award in the Bio-Medical Engineering category which consisted of a $1,500 cash award and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Lincoln Laboratory’s Ceres Connection Award. As a result of this award, the names of the first and second place winners will be submitted to the International Astronomical Union (IAU) for a once in a lifetime naming of a minor planet after them.

Rural IT Quiz National Championship
Geeve George and Karthik M Rao Class XI emerged winners of the national level Rural IT Quiz 2015 organized by Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) in partnership with the Department of IT, BT and Science and Technology, Government of Karnataka.
Rural IT Quiz State Championship
Geeve George and Karthik M Rao of Class XI have won the State Championship in the Rural IT Quiz jointly organized by the IT Ministry Govt of Karnataka and TCS Bangalore. This is the fifth time that Little Rock is winning this championship.
Little Rock among the top twenty schools in India
Little Rock ranks 20th among all the CBSE Schools in India, based on the percentage of passes at the Class XII Exams 2014. This was reported in the Education World September 2014 issue. This is out of 5346 schools who presented more than 70 students at the Class XII Exams held in March 2014. To be at the top with the 20th position in the whole country is indeed a spectacular achievement.
Rajyotsava Award for the Principal
Prof. Mathew C. Ninan, Principal of Little Rock was conferred the District Rajyotsava Award for Education on November 01, 2014. To quote the awardee himself, “This award is for Little Rock and all what it stands for”. That the award came to the head of an English Medium School affiliated to the CBSE is a rare distinction. It is a clear recognition to schools in the private sector and those that pursue English as medium of instruction.