Scholarships / Concessions

The Little Rock Scholarships : Quality education is expensive. Some parents will find it difficult to educate their children in LRIS though the children might be well suited to study in LRIS. To help such parents, the management of the School provides scholarships or fee concessions to bright but financially handicapped children.

There are various kinds of fee concessions, based on the academic record of the students, and the financial condition of the parents concerned. However, concessions are granted only on the parent’s written request, submission of relevant records, and a subsequent thorough crosschecking of the financial position of the parents concerned. Scholarships and concessions are generally not granted to students up to Class II, and during the first year of admission.

LRIS floated a scheme to help the parents who were in financial distress in the wake of the Corona pandemic.  We called it FMCF (FOR MY CHILD’S FRIEND). The School solicited the support of our parents and alumni to support the many affected parents. It is quite gratifying to report that the School could help hundreds of parents with concessions in fees through this Fund and also from the School’s own funds.

 The Little Rock Birthday Fund : This Fund is created to provide concessions, and scholarships to support the financially underprivileged children who study in our School.  The source of this Fund is the money that some parents voluntarily contribute on the birthdays of their children, and voluntary contribution from members of the faculty, staff and students.

An Appeal : Parents who are well to do are requested to contribute to one of the above on a purely voluntary basis. Those blessed by God financially have a duty to help their less privileged brethren. Those motivated to help, may make a contribution to this Fund. DD or Cheque towards this purpose is payable to Little Rock Indian School A/c Birthday Fund.

Alumni Support: Some old students of LRIS have come forward to contribute to the Merit-cum-Means Scholarships. This example is worthy to be emulated by all those blessed by God..

Endowments: A detailed list of endowments for meritorious students is shown as Appendix-2, at the end of the Prospectus.